Aug 17 2011

Symbian Belle for Nokia N8 Leaked

Category: Mobile Phones,Nokia,Symbianksg91 @ 10:52 am

Last night, suddenly, my twitter timeline was filled with Symbian Belle leak tweets. I checked few sources and all seems to say its valid news. I really wanted to blog about this but I was too sleepy and already in my bed. 🙁 So as soon as I waked up, I decided to blog about it.

Symbian Belle! Really, it is a dream OS for any Symbian Lover. Symbian Anna is not yet officially available for Nokia N8 and still Symbian Belle, major FW update, leak must be a great news. 😛

orvvan from Daily Mobile Forum, posted that he has already tested this Belle FW on his Nokia N8 and uploaded test video on youtube.

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