I have just released small update for Tweet My Post WordPress plugin. This update allows you to enable debug log. Response from the twitter will be logged, so that you can find out any issue, if any.
More updates will be coming in few days. This updates will bring custom tweet format, user authentication, etc. Stay Tuned.
Visit http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tweet-my-post/ to check out the plugin. Suggestions are most welcome. 🙂
What is Tweet My Post?
It is a WordPress plugin allows wordpress users to set their twitter handle and whenever a new post is published, tweet will be sent with post’s title, link and it’s author’s twitter handle. A sample tweet would be “POST_TITLE – POST_LINK by @AUTHOR” . If Author has not set any handle, only POST_TITLE & POST_LINK are tweeted.
Don’t forget to rate the plugin. 🙂
Tags: blog, plugin, tweet my post, twitter, update, wordpress