Its been long enough since Nokia announced Symbian Belle and started shipping few Symbian Belle devices, all existing Symbian Anna users are waiting eagerly and losing their patience for receiving Symbian Belle for their phones. Nokia promised to release Symbian Belle to all Symbian Anna devices in Q4 of 2011. Symbian Belle for N8 already made an appearance at Navifirm for a while and still there is no sign of Symbian Belle officially.
Yesterday, in reply to @vivekkl ‘s question for release date of  Symbian Belle for N8, @nokia replied “coming months” .

I have already asked @nokia and @NokiaHelps personally serveral time and up till now they were saying it will come before the last week of Dec ends! Sudden change in release plan? This may be very disappointing. However this is not first time any release is delayed, just remember the delay in Symbian Anna. Well, we may have the same fate for Symbian Belle also. Â It is also being guessed that release is postponed because of some testing. Some rumors says it will come to Thailand in Feb 2012. Whatever the reason maybe, but this delay is surely going to affect the interest of users.
One thing I will like to say to Nokia is, no doubt, you take great stuff  but you are late to bring it to the market and lose the interest of customers. I think, Nokia seriously need to consider this thing.
Many N8 users have already lost their patience (including me) and already running Symbian Belle leaked from Navifirm. And this leak runs pretty fast and with almost no bug! Still we crave for official release because official is official! đ
@nkumar_ tweeted following pic

Now, this looks a like, Symbian Belle is not really coming this month. It has been postponed for some reason.
If you got any news about this, please let me know. đ
Tags: belle, c7, e7, leak, n8, news, nokia, nokia n8, official release, symbian, symbian anna, symbian belle, symbian^3