Sep 23 2011

How To Enable New Facebook Timeline

Category: Tips & Tricksksg91 @ 11:54 pm

After Google coming to Social Networking with its Google+ service, you must have noticed Facebook frequently making changes to its features and layouts. But you must be surprised to see dramatic changes Facebook took to user profiles, i.e Timeline.

According to  Facebook,

Tell your life story with a new kind of profile

Here is a screenshot of new profile:
Facebook Timeline
Well, I am not going deep about what changes does this timeline takes, but how to enable it. You can read more about this timeline at

This timeline is currently available to developers only and for everyone it will be available soon. So those who can’t wait should follow simple step explained below. But for this you must have a verified account, i.e. verified phone number or credit card.

This is for developers only and I do not recommend using it unless you are a developer.


Follow steps below to get it:

  1. You need to login first.
  2. Enable Developer mode by going to  and allow permissions.
  3. Now what you need to do is to create an app. Fill all necessary details. (Don’t worry, you dont need to publish it)
  4. Go to main setting screen of your app and under Open Graph header, you will find Get Started link. Click it
  5. You are asked to add an action and an object ( on which that action is being performed). Add any verb and subject there.
  6. Keep saving and going next, putting all things to default values.
  7. Once finished saving setting on all three pages, go back to Facebook’s Home page.
  8. You will get an invitation to try new Timeline feature. Accept it.
  9. You are done! 😀
To see your new profile you need to open if you are not getting timelines after applying above steps.
Your new timeline will be visible to you only until you publish it, though only developers with timeline feature will be able to see it after publishing. If you do not publish, it will be set to be public after a week.

This new profile is nice. I like it. I can see some new things coming to Facebook after this. Lets see what comes.

Just say what do you feel about this new timeline profile? And you can ask me if you are having any trouble using it.

PS: Don’t mind my writing, I am quite sleepy. 😛

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