Most of Google users, sometimes, feel lazy to go through all search result and find appropriate content then read it. People like me are really lazy to do this stuff. Ever wished that someone can give you presentation on the topic you want to know about like we ask our teacher about some topic and he start explaining or you ask friend about some place he visited and he explains? You can leave this stuff to Qwiki –
One of my friend on Facebook sent me a message

The goal of this website is to change the way we experience information. Just enter the query for example. some place or person or some topic, instead of list of result, you will get to see a presentation slide explaining the query’s topic. It will not only be some photos or visual effects but with audio giving information on the search query.
They say,
We are the first to turn information into an experience. We believe that just because data is stored by machines doesn’t mean it should be presented as a machine-readable list. Let’s try harder.
Qwiki is still in alpha phase and they claim to have more than 3MM reference topics till now and more is coming. Qwiki won the TechCrunch Disrupt Award in 2010.
Qwiki has ipad app and seven weeks after launch, the Qwiki App was downloaded over 500,000 times!
The Qwiki Embed API allows third party applications to easily embed a series of Qwikis. It is possible to embed a curated collection of Qwikis such as the “Qwiki of the Day” or supply a search query and embed the returned results. You may get search results in JSON or JSONP. Check out more on their APIs here:
At the end, I must say, its very innovative approach to search engine concepts. Whats your thoughts on this?
Tags: app, google, help, information, ipad, query, qwiki, search, search engine, wiki