Jan 13 2012

Autolink-Twitter : A WordPress Plugin to Autolink the mentions and hashtags

Category: PHPksg91 @ 3:27 pm

WordPress’ official plugin contains some nice plugins that automatically replace mentions and hashtags with links to the profile and search page. But they also brings other several features. I just wanted a simple plugin which does only this thing. I also wanted to learn making plugins for wordpress. So I thought to make one.

So here is a plugin I named Autolink-Twitter. It links mentions to twitter profile page and hashtags to search stream.

Download Plugin: Autolink-Twitter

How to Install?

Put autolink-twitter.php file under your plugin directory and activate plugin from your admin menu.
I haven’t uploaded the plugin yet to wordpress.org library because I think very few people would be interested there.
You may keep up with this plugin on my Git repository on github at https://github.com/ksg91/Autolink-Twitter

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