If you are blogging about current trends or unique topics, search engines play vital role in traffic to your blog. This apply to any kind of sites too. For better rank in search results, backlinks play key role. But how to get thousands of back links? By spamming? No. By buying from those so called backlink building services? Hell NO. Let me share how I created thousands of backlinks by just few work.
To build backlinks, you are not suppose to spam on different sites. There are legal ways you can choose to have backlinks.
First way is to put link to your site/blog in your signature at the forums or discussion boards, you’re using. Almost all forums allow this. So, now link to your site will be displayed at lease as many times as you have posted in forum or discussion board. I used to be very active user at Chip Forums and I had put links to my blogs there. Here is how many links I got to my site from that forum alone:

Do I need to mention how greatly this helped? Well, in just two after adding link to my signature, traffic to my blog increased about 15x times. Usually I used to get 20-30hits from SE daily, and after two days, around 400!
Other way is to engage in discussion on other blogs. Visit and read blogs of your interests, and comment on the blog post (not worthlessly please) and use your blog/site url in Website field of comment form. But don’t put worthless comments else it won’t be approved by author.
You can also make friends with other blog and mutually agree to add links in sidebar. This will create backlinks on all pages of the blog and significantly increase backlinks.
If you have more tips or experiences to share, don’t forget to comment. 🙂
Tags: backlink, forums, se, seo, tips, traffic